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Imamo dobro novico za vse tiste, ki se še niste uspeli prijaviti na 14. Mednarodni likovni natečaj Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’.? Rok za prijavo in oddajo likovnih del smo zaradi izrednih razmer in velikega interesa podaljšali do 5. 2. 2021!
❗❗ Poleg tega smo sprejeli še odločitev, da lahko likovna dela oddate tudi elektronsko. Navodila za elektronsko oddajo likovnih del najdete TUKAJ. Kljub temu ne pozabite likovnih del, takoj, ko bodo razmere dopuščale, poslati tudi v fizični obliki. ❗❗
Letos rišemo, slikamo, lepimo na temo IGRAJ SE Z MANO ⚽ (igraš se lahko s starši, prijatelji, babico, dedkom, lahko se igraš z različnimi igračami, igraš se lahko v šoli, na ulici, v vrtcu, na travniku …).
Druga tema pa je DOBER TEK, SLOVENIJA. ZDRAVO UŽIVAJ IN VEČ GIBAJ* ??♀️ (kaj zdravega ješ, popiješ, kateri so tvoji zdravi prigrizki, katera je tvoja najljubša vrsta telovadbe …).
*V okviru izbrane teme na likovnem natečaju želimo v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za zdravje izboljšati prehranjevalne in gibalne navade prebivalstva s ciljem zmanjšanja kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni. Zato spodbujamo vas, vse sodelujoče, da se prepustite domišljiji in na kreativen način prikažete, kaj za vas pomeni slogan Dober tek, Slovenija. Zdravo uživaj in več gibaj. Program sofinancira Ministrstvo za zdravje RS in je del izvajanja Nacionalnega programa o prehrani in telesni dejavnosti za zdravje 2015 – 2025 Dober tek, Slovenija.
Kako in kam pošljete likovna dela? ?
Likovna dela morate označiti tako, da bomo dobili vse spodaj napisane informacije:
Na drugo stran likovnega dela nalepite list z informacijami:
– Ime, priimek in starost učenca (avtorja) slike
– Naslov likovnega dela
– Likovna tehnika (npr. barvice; tempere; svinčnik,…)
– Ime in priimek učitelja (mentorja)
– Naziv in naslov šole.
Vsa likovna dela*, ki jih želite poslati, vstavite v ovojnico in pošljite na naslov:
*Likovnih del NE VRAČAMO avtorjem. Ostala bodo v zbirki natečaja ‘Igraj se z mano’ za razstave in podporo vključujoče umetnosti in likovne kulture mladih.
**Priznanja prejmejo le avtorji in mentorji IZBRANIH del.
⏲️ DO KDAJ? Rok za prijavo in pošiljanje likovnih del je 5. 2. 2021.
✍? TUKAJ najdete vabilo za sodelovanje na 14. Mednarodni likovni natečaj Bodi umetnik ‘Igraj se z mano’. Prijavite se TUKAJ.
❗ Extended deadline for Be an artist – 14th International Art contest ‘Play with me’ – until the 2nd of February 2021!
For all those who have not yet managed to apply and submit the artworks for Be an artist – 14th International Art contest ‘Play with me’, we have amazing news! ? We have extended application deadline until the 2nd of February 2021!
❗❗ Due to extraordinary times, we’ve exceptionally made a decision about submitting the artworks by email. You can find detailed instructions HERE. However, we kindly ask you to also send the artwork by ordinary post as soon as it will be possible. ❗❗
This year we are drawing and painting on the topic PLAY WITH ME ⚽ (you can play with your parents, friends, grandma, grandpa, you can play with different toys, you can play at school, in the kindergarten, on the street, in the woods …).
Second topic is DOBER TEK, SLOVENIJA. EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE ??♀️* (which healthy snack do you eat, what is your favorite kind of exercise, …).
*Within the selected topic in Be an Artist art contest, we want to improve the eating and exercise habits of the population in cooperation with the Ministry of Health with the aim of reducing chronic intransmissible diseases. Thus, we encourage you to let your imagination run wild and enable you to show in a creative way what the slogan »Dober tek, Slovenija« means to you. The program is co-financed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia and is part of the National Program on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health 2015 – 2025 Dober tek, Slovenija.
How and where should you send your artwork? ?
Please equip the artwork, by putting a sticker on the other side of the artwork, with following information:
– Name, surname and age of the artist
– Title of the artwork
– Artwork technique
– Name and surname of the mentor
– The exact name of the institution.
All the artworks*, that you wish to send, should be put in an envelope and sent to the following address:
* The received artworks will not be returned to the authors; they will remain in the archives of the International Art Contest ‘Play with me’ and will be used for the purpose of exhibition and promotion of INCLUSIVE CULTURE and visual culture of young people.
⏲️ UNTIL WHEN? Deadline for applying and submitting the artworks is the 2nd of February 2021.
✍? You can find the Call for the 14th International Art Contest Be an Artist ‘Play with me’ HERE. You can apply HERE.