‘Play with me’ events help in achieving inclusion of all people, regardless of the differences between us.

They are organised by The Special Education Centre Janez Levec Ljubljana and The Association of Inclusive Culture.

Do you want to learn more? Contact us!

Center Janeza Levca Ljubljana / The Special Education Centre Janez Levec Ljubljana
Karlovška 18, 1000 Ljubljana

Društvo za kulturo inkluzije / Association of Inclusive Culture
Francoska ulica 15, 1000 Ljubljana

GENERAL: info@igrajsezmano.si

FESTIVAL: festival@igrajsezmano.si

BE AN ATHLETE: info@igrajsezmano.si

BE AN ARTIST: bodiumetnik@igrajsezmano.si

BE A VOLUNTEER: prostovoljstvo@igrajsezmano.si

PR and MARKETING: sodelujemo@igrajsezmano.si


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Andreja Srpčič

Social inclusion programme, Janez's stage (at The International Festival 'Play with me')

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